Author Archives: admin

Somehow, Happy New Year didn’t feel quite right this year. Maybe Happy New Spring or Summer? Will we be living with fewer restrictions by then? How has all of this impacted on your life? It seems that it has been a real mix for many people, with awful losses and real fear. But I recognise that for some, there have been changes in their lives that have been needed. So how do you navigate your way through changes that are unwanted or feared? What can you do when you feel overwhelmed and afraid? One of our biggest resources that is free and always available is our breath. Yes, breath! When we are afraid, our bodies tend to focus on the ‘in’ breath, what we are drawing in to our bodies. Our breath may also become shallower, without us even realising it. A technique to try in these moments of overwhelm…

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I have been hearing quite a lot about learning to live with a new normal, but what on earth is that? Do you need to have been normal before this to have a new one?! And what is normal? How new does it have to be? Can it be a mix and match of old? Or completely new? Is there a test, a checklist or some guidance? Well, if there is anything almost guaranteed to get an anxious brain whirring, the unknown is possibly it. Not knowing, for some folks, can be agonising as it allows the brain to develop all kinds of possibilities for what may happen. Usually negative, it is easy to be led down a path of possibilities which can be so frightening and limiting. This time with life locked down is new, unknown, unprecedented and it can feel truly scary. Should you be crocheting a new…

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